Matter Mac OS

Matter Mac OS

May 08 2021

Matter Mac OS

When you get a new Mac, it might be a good idea to do a clean installation; starting from scratch, with a brand-new operating system, and copy the files that you need from your old Mac manually. Here’s how to migrate your files to your new Mac, or do a clean installation, and the pros and cons of both methods. While it doesn’t really matter why, what does matter is that some keys are located in different places. You’ve probably seen this when you’ve been using a PC and tried to send an email. In the UK, the @ symbol is located above the right shift key. On a Mac, just like the ISO standard for the US, it’s on the number 2 key.

  1. Matter Mac Os Update
  2. Matter Most Collab

This website contains software on TWO Topics:

SER - Soft Error Rates from Cosmic Rays (see bottom of this page)

NEW !100 Years of Ion Stopping2300+ Papers Listed and Results Plotted !!

SRIM Textbook



Historical Review

Download SRIM-2013

Details of SRIM-2013


Install Problems

Stopping in Compounds

SRIM Tutorials

High Energy Stopping

Theory & Experiments

Download TRIM Manual

Part-1, Part-2

Ranges of Ions

Stopping, Range and Damage by Neutrons

Including SRIM in

SRIM - Supporting Analytic Software

SREM - Stopping and Range of Electrons

SRIM Web Statistics

Above links inGreen are links to other websites.

Software -

SRIM is a collection of software packages which calculate many features of the transport of ions in matter. Typical applications include:

·Ion Stopping and Range in Targets: Most aspects of the energy loss of ions in matter are calculated in SRIM, theStopping and Range of Ions in Matter. SRIM includes quick calculations which produce tables of stopping powers, range and straggling distributions for any ion at any energy in any elemental target. More elaborate calculations include targets with complex multi-layer configurations.

·Ion Implantation: Ion beams are used to modify samples by injecting atoms to change the target chemical and electronic properties. The ion beam also causes damage to solid targets by atom displacement. Most of the kinetic effect s associated with the physics of this kind of interactions are found in the SRIM package.

·Sputtering: The ion beam may knock out target atoms, a process called ion sputtering. The calculation of sputtering, by any ion at any energy, is included in the SRIM package.

·Ion Transmission: Ion beams can be followed through mixed gas/solid target layers, such as occurs in ionization chambers or in energy degrader blocks used to reduce ion beam energies.


·Ion Beam Therapy: Ion beams are widely used in medical therapy, especially in radiation oncology. Typical applications are included.

Science -

The science of ion beams goes back almost a century to the earliest explanations of radioactive particles transiting thin films (1904). The field is so rich that it is difficult for a non-expert to understand any of the current papers in the field. But basically, the stopping of ions in matter can not be calculated from first principles. Hidden in stopping theories are parameters which normalize calculated stopping powers to existing data. The 'Science' section of SRIM will review the basic theories of the stopping of ions in matter. Then some of the major parameters are reviewed and it will be shown how they are derived from experimental data. Examples are shell corrections, mean ionization potentials, the effective charge of ions and the Fermi velocity of solids.

Over 2000 papers have been published in the experimental stopping of ions in solids. Experimental measurements of stopping powers is a difficult task, and there is wide variation in the results.. Plots will show how existing stopping calculations compare to experimental data from these papers. Since the stopping calculations are based in great part on theory, the interpolation of stopping powers between various ions and targets is often more accurate than individual measurements, especially for difficult targets.


Soft Error Rates

Science of

Terrestrial Cosmic Rays



Current Status (1MB)

Neutron Sea Level Flux

History of

Accelerated Testing

Neutron Spectrometers

Current Status

Accelerated Testing

Above links inGreen are not yet active.

Although this subject is more about the effects of energetic hadrons on terrestrial electronics than about ion beams, it is scientifically in a similar field (hadrons = protons, neutrons and pions, i.e. particles which respond to the nuclear force / strong interaction). The science and technology about cosmic ray induced soft fails was considered proprietary by IBM for more than 15 years. In 1996, a complete issue of the IBM Journal of Research and Development was devoted to reviewing this work. A summary of the issue, and the complete first article (the 15 year history of the development of the IBM scientific understanding of soft fails from radiation) is given at IBM J. R.& D.

The scientific history of this field is reviewed in detail. The field is not static because the technology of integrated circuits is still rapidly changing and the effects of cosmic rays on integrated circuits (ICs) show trends which are not well understood. The trends in the sensitivity of ICs to cosmic rays are reviewed for SRAMs, DRAMs and logic over the last 15 years.

Fundamental to any estimates of the fail rate of ICs is an understanding of the ambient flux of cosmic rays in the environment. As this flux has been investigated over the last 15 years, it has become fuzzier rather than more precise. Previous measurements of the ambient flux which were considered reliable have been shown to be suspect. New measurements rarely agree with past measurements. Recent reports of the flux of sea level cosmic ray hadrons vary by more than 10x, even though they were performed by highly competent scientists. The problem will probably be resolved by understanding that the immediate materials nearby an experiment can have significant effect on the measured flux. The field of the terrestrial flux of cosmic rays will be reviewed.

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Don Smith asks a wonderful leading question on networking in OS X:

I have an ethernet connection to my FiOS modem/router and it works great. Somewhere along the line I had to turn on my WiFi as well. Don’t remember why. Just curious, is it a benefit or a deficit or is it neutral to have both connections active at the same time?

Don (and Don really exists, I didn’t invent him, I swear), that’s a great area to discuss. OS X is a well-designed modern operating system that for many releases has let you have multiple active network interfaces. They can be “real” in the sense of directly corresponding to physical hardware that’s part of or attached to a Mac, or “virtual,” as is the case with VPNs (virtual private networks).

Typically, they won’t conflict, even if you have two or more interfaces connected to the same network, such as Wi-Fi and ethernet. A few years ago, OS X would balk at this; but since Mavericks (10.9), I’ve kept both active. (You may want Wi-Fi active at all times so you can take advantage of Continuity features that require Wi-Fi, and to use AirDrop.)

OS X automatically sorts network interfaces in the Network system preferences pane in the order of first “connected” interfaces (ones with an active signal and IP address), then disconnected ones, and finally those marked inactive. (You can select any interface, click the gear icon, and choose Make Service Inactive to disable it.)

But you can choose the order in which OS X access your local network and the Internet. Click the gear icon and then select Set Service Order, and you can drag interfaces around in the priority you want OS X to use them when they’re available and connected.

The most likely scenario for this is cascading an ethernet, Wi-Fi, and iPhone USB connection with a laptop. When you’re plugged into ethernet, you don’t want to have to turn Wi-Fi, so you set ethernet as the first item in the Service Order. Likewise, if you’ve unplugged from ethernet, you’d prefer Wi-Fi, but if that’s not available either, you want to use your iPhone’s hotspot. Setting this order means no mucking about when your network conditions change.

Matter Mac Os Update

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Matter Most Collab

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Matter Mac OS

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