Hostile Work Environment Mac OS

Hostile Work Environment Mac OS

May 02 2021

Hostile Work Environment Mac OS

*Potential client note, we are no longer accepting any new EEOC cases at this time.

In today’s Fast Legal Answers series, I’ll be defining and explaining what a “hostile work environment” is. I hear this phrase thrown around so much that I think many people don’t actually know what a hostile work environment actually is. Is it an unpleasant work environment? Is it an unbearable one? How does it relate to discrimination and protected classes?

After reading this article you will know the legal definition of a hostile work environment, and should have a better idea of what is, and what is not, legally recognized as a hostile work environment.

Hostile Work Environment I've worked at Amazon for almost five years as an SDE. I think 'hostile work environment' is a good description of working here but it's different from what you hear about other supposedly similar places. OS X is free with the purchase of an Apple-branded computer. If you don't purchase a computer, you can purchase a retail version of the operating system at cost. Pre-Complaint Documents Menu All sorts of behavior can create what employees deem to be a 'hostile work environment'. But, in the legal sense, a hostile work environment is caused by unwelcome. Jul 28, 2015 Setting Environmental Variables in Mac OS X Command Line. Because the Mac defaults to using bash shell, you can set environmental variables in the user directories.bashprofile, for an active user account the path to that file is locate at: /.bashprofile. If you changed your shell or you aren’t sure what shell you’re using, you can always check by issuing the echo $SHELL command, which will display which shell is in use. Feb 19, 2021 A hostile work environment claim is a workplace discrimination claim under federal law. The person complaining must prove they were discriminated against based on race, gender, color, religion, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, pregnancy, age, or disability, and that the actions must have been pervasive and severe enough to be considered abusive.

Hostile work environment and harassment

A hostile work environment is really just a specific form of harassment. The EEOC defines harassment as:

unwelcome conduct that is based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. Harassment becomes unlawful where 1) enduring the offensive conduct becomes a condition of continued employment, or 2) the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive.

Essentially, harassment occurs when a person suffers consistent and unwanted, and objectively offensive, conduct at work as a result of their membership in a protected class.

Elements of a hostile work environment claim


To establish a claim of hostile environment harassment, a complainant (employee) must prove all of the following elements:

  1. They belong to a statutorily protected class;
  2. They were subjected to harassment in the form of unwelcome verbal or physical conduct involving that protected class;
  3. The harassment complained of was based on his or her statutorily protected class;
  4. The harassment affected a term or condition of employment and/or had the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the work environment and/or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment; and
  5. There is a basis for imputing liability to the employer (it is fair to find the employer liable, they were on notice of the conduct and did nothing, etc.)

Failure to meet or prove all of the above elements will likely result in you losing your case.

Hostile work environment: Legal definition vs. common (mis)conception

I think the common conception of a hostile work environment is a work environment that is unpleasant, generally sucks, or that makes you unhappy. However, as you can see above not only must the environment be intimidating, hostile, and/or offensive, the hostility you are enduring must also be a result of your membership in a protected class. This means that if your boss is a jerk to everyone including you, you won’t have a hostile work environment claim–the harassment must be based on your membership in legally recognized protected class. To illustrate, your boss not liking you because you are fans of rival sports teams, is not actionable discrimination. This is because what team you are a fan of is not a protected class. However, if your boss treated you differently because of the color of your skin, and only used your different team alliances as a pretext, that would be considered discrimination.

How bad does it have to be to be a hostile or offensive work environment?

In determining when a working environment is hostile, factors to consider are the frequency of the alleged discriminatory conduct, its severity, whether it is physically threatening or humiliating, and if it unreasonably interferes with an employee’s work performance. See Harris v. Forklift Sys., Inc., 510 U.S. 17, 21 (1993); EEOC Enforcement Guidance, Harris. But the working environment must be objectively hostile. Harris, 510 U.S. at 22. This means that a reasonable person in your shoes would find the work environment hostile or abusive too. So, if your hostile work environment claim rests on the fact that your boss doesn’t say please and thank you whenever they talk to you–your claims will likely fail. A simple way to evaluate whether your claim passes this “reasonable person” test is to explain your working situation to friends or acquaintances, if they strongly agree that your work environment is hostile or unbearable then its likely it is objectively hostile.

Obviously, each case is different, and the EEOC recognizes that a “hostile work environment harassment takes a variety of forms, many factors may affect this determination, including: whether the conduct was verbal or physical, or both; how frequently it was repeated; whether the conduct was hostile and patently offensive; whether others joined in perpetrating the harassment.” Brew v. Holder, EEOC Appeal No. 0120090045 (2009).

It needs to be consistent and pervasive

Generally, a hostile work environment needs to be ongoing and pervasive, typically a single incident or isolated incidents of offensive conduct or remarks generally do not create an abusive environment.” Id.; EEOC Policy Guidance on Current Issues of Sexual Harassment, N-915-050, No. 137 (March 19, 1990) (“A ‘hostile environment’ claim generally requires a showing of a pattern of offensive conduct.”).

Typically the “mere utterance of an ethnic or racial epithet which engenders offensive feelings in an employee would not affect the conditions of employment to a sufficiently significant degree to violate Title VII.” Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson, 477 U.S. 57, 67 (1986). However, a limited number of highly offensive slurs or derogatory comments may in fact state a claim or support a finding of discrimination under Title VII. See, e.g., Yabuki v. Department of the Army, EEOC Request No. 05920778 (June 4, 1993) (single incident of verbal abuse and negative comment concerning Japanese people sufficient to constitute race and national origin discrimination); Brooks v. Department of the Navy, EEOC Request No. 05950484 (June 25, 1996) (three racially derogatory comments over a two-month period by an individual with a history of making such statements was sufficient to state a claim); McAllister v. Department of Defense, EEOC Request No. 05960416 (May 22, 1997) (a supervisor’s disparaging and racist comments to complainant, in conjunction with prior comments by the supervisor demeaning to other protected classes, was sufficient to justify an AJ’s finding of discrimination).

All these cases really just tell us that: it depends. But the more shocking the abuse or negative environment you have been subject to, the less duration or instances of exposure you will have to demonstrate. To put it more directly: as the harassment becomes more severe judge’s will require less instances of the harassment to support a finding of actionable discrimination. Additionally, physical violence, clearly offensive conduct, or group harassment will shift the balance in favor a conclusion of a hostile work environment.



A hostile work environment is much more than just an unpleasant workplace. While each case is different, generally you must make a showing of a persistent and offensive working environment that was generated as a result of your membership in a protected class. Ultimately, it is critical that you consult with an attorney early on if you think you have been subject to harassment or a hostile work environment because the deadline to report discrimination is only 45 days.

Hopefully you found this guide helpful. At this time we are not taking on any new clients. All information provided above is for reference purposes and should not be construed as legal advice. You should consult with a licensed attorney before taking any action in your case.

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Certain conditions in the workplace can be symptoms of hostile work environment. A sniffle might not seem like a big deal, but it could be a symptom for a cold or a life-threatening disease. In the office, a small behavior might not seem like a big deal, but it’s constant re-occurrence could signal an ongoing hostile environment.

When things are off in the office, employee performance often suffers. That’s not ideal for employees or employers. Basically, severe workplace behavior may show a pattern of hostile work environment.

5 Main Types of Hostile Work Environment

Although hostile work environment is often associated with sexual harassment, hostile work environment can be defined by other illegal employment situations. The key is that hostile work environment is determined to be such by severe and reoccurring conduct. One-time bad behavior won’t be considered hostile work environment.

1. Employment Discrimination

Discrimination in the workplace is a major sign that things are not well or healthy in the work environment. Workers might miss out on certain benefits and promotions due to their race, age, sex, religion, or disability. This is illegal. An employee may be able to recognize the occurrence of discrimination by the pattern of behavior.

2. Sexual Harassment

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Hostile work environment often goes hand in hand with sexual harassment. Inappropriate sexual innuendos to touching someone is considered sexual harassment. When workers hang up explicit images in the work area or send each other nude images, this is also sexual harassment. Quid pro quo sexual harassment, where a manager requests a sexual favor from an employee in return for something, is most common.

3. Threatening Behavior

Verbal or physical intimidation of job loss or salary reduction from a boss or a manager falls under the category of hostile work environment. When interaction becomes physical, the employee’s health can be on the line. Employees may sustain physical injuries or emotional trauma, such as anxiety attacks and nervous ticks.

4. OSHA-violating Work Facilities

Employment law obligates employers to provide employees with a safe working environment. This means that employees should be outfitted with appropriate safety gear and work with equipment that is up to date on safety features. When employees are forced to work in a dangerous environment without the appropriate health and safety steps, this is considered a hostile work environment.

7 Hostile Workplace Behaviors to Watch

Some employment situations are obviously illegal, but some of the behaviors leading to those situations aren’t. However, these behaviors could be an indicator that something is not quite right in your workplace. Some behaviors might not be evidence enough to prove hostile work environment, they can be a piece of the puzzle.

Poor Communication

Coworkers discriminate against other workers by knowingly or unknowingly withholding work information from them, either for projects or events. Sometimes this looks like complete lack of communication on projects but heavy-handed criticism when you don’t meet expectations. Bosses might encourage the behavior, taking credit for your work or refusing to give you growing opportunities.


Lack of small talk and casual as well as business interaction between coworkers can be an indicator that something is not healthy in the workplace. When coworkers are comfortable with each other, they’ll discuss big and little things with each other. This will make working together better.

Severe Schedules

While most workplaces are moving to more flexible working hours, some still must have strict schedules for their businesses. That’s okay and appropriate. Sometimes companies can get so wound up over minutes worked or not worked that they miss the importance of work quality. Strict and severe work schedules can create a stressful workplace for some employees.

Screaming Matches

When professionalism is lost for all-out screaming matches in the workplace, something isn’t right. Employees should treat one another with respect. Raised voices undercuts professionalism and productivity. Coworkers and employees should never raise their voices to their managers or to one another.

Shame Culture

Some workplaces foster an environment where coworkers belittle one another. This behavior can happen to the person’s face or as a backstab. Employees who take advantage of their coworkers’ weaknesses fail to create a teamwork environment where the business succeeds.

Constant Scrutiny

Office efficiency decreases when micromanagement occurs in the workplace. Workers with certain projects assigned to them will not flourish under close scrutiny, where the work is picked a part. Of course, quality of work is imperative, but workers need to trust one another to perform their work well. This type of behavior can result in anxiety for employees.

Office Cliques

Hostile Work Environment Mac Os X

Cliques should have stopped in middle school, but workplace cliques can be just as detrimental if not more. These groups of workers encourage an undercurrent of dog-eat-dog competition. Cliques tend to share gossip, ask favors, and create an ugly work environment.

Cheat Sheet: Questions to Analyze Your Workplace

Hostile Work Environment Mac Os 7

  • Are you chronically stressed out?
  • Do you overwork?
  • Are coworkers bullying you?
  • Is office gossip creating a toxic workplace?
  • Does your boss undermine your hard work?
  • Are your coworkers professional?
  • Is sexual harassment part of the work environment?
  • Have you been punished for complaining about an uncomfortable workplace situation?
  • How often does this hostile conduct occur?
  • What evidence do you have of this conduct?
  • How do you want your employer to handle the situation?

Hostile work environment can be detrimental not only to employees but to their work environment as well. Employees who believe they’re dealing with a hostile work environment should consult with an employment lawyer to determine what their legal options are.

Chat with an employment attorney: (412) 626-5626 or lawyer@lawkm.com.

Hostile Work Environment Mac OS

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